
Zeit OnlineZeit Online am 2018-11-21 11:48

Video Games In East Germany: The Stasi Played Along

In East Germany, a gamer scene emerged just before the fall of communism. Teenagers met at a computer club to swap and play C64 games. The state ...

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Eine Nachricht über Wilhelm Pieck, Stefan Paubel, Friedrich The Great und über Palais Podewils und ebenfalls Atari Interest Group Rostock, East Germany, Working Group for the Protection of Secrets, Guard Regiment of the National People’s Army, Federal Commissioner for Records of the State Security, KC 87 from VEB Robotron, Commodore Club Jena, German Democratic Republic und über HdjT, aber auch Dresden, Berliner Mauer, Deutschland, Mühlhausen, Berlin und über Berlin Ost, von Zeit Online.