Get your news on Newstral
Let us index your news and gain new traffic
Nice, to finally meet you!
Let us quickly tell you, why Heilbronner Stimme and Newtral make a wonderful team:
- Newstral readers start discovering your news and add you to their daily reading routine.
- We analyze your news for place, people, and organisation names, so your news show up when others write about the same topic.
- You get a free interactive map of your news, ready to embed in your page.
- Detailed statistics of daily traffic from Newstral to your page.
- You are in good company. We only approve news sources that fulfill fundamental quality standards.
- It's free. No charges. You can drop out at any time.
With you registering as the admin of your publication, we ensure a direct communication line between you and us. And configuring our Newstral for Publisher Widgets becomes much easier for you, too. Shall we get started?