
Amador Ledger Dispatch am 2015-11-21 20:39

Court says Glock exceeded authority

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Dieser Text erwähnt Amador Ledger Dispatch, Matthew Chaisson, Mr Glock, Steven Bailey und zu Craig Baracco und ebenfalls County Superintendent of Schools&comma, as County Superintendent&period, as both Amador Unified School District Superintendent&comma, Preliminary Injunctive Relief&period, The School Board, School Board and billing the Office of Education &, firm Girard & Edwards, Amador County School Board&period, County Office of Education has one fourth the budget of the School District&comma und ebenfalls zu Superior Court of California has ruled that Amador County Superintendent of Schools Dick Glock can und Argonaut High School, El Dorado, Amador und zu California, veröffentlicht von Amador Ledger Dispatch