
The Buffalo NewsThe Buffalo News am 2019-06-29 20:26

A photo by sheer chance, a sister's way back to fallen Officer Craig Lehner

“I believe in signs from above,” Donna Lehner says of the seemingly random meeting between her brother Craig Lehner and a photographer one night in ...

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Ein Artikel zu Ernie Pyle, Tina Flanagan, Sean Zoll, Sean Kirst, Donna Lehner, Shannon Davis, Haleigh Wilson, Kathleen Lehner und auch zu Craig As Superman und SUNY Fredonia, Society of Professional Journalists, Buffalo News, Buffalo K9, New York National Guard, Military Police Unit und zu Buffalo History und Dunkerque, Iraq, Hamburg, Atlanta, New York, Royalton Center, Louisiana, First Ward und zu Niagara River, entdeckt auf The Buffalo News.