
General-Anzeiger BonnGeneral-Anzeiger Bonn am 2020-05-01 09:06

Outdoor pool season during the corona pandemic? City of Bonn gives a glimmer of hope for the summer

A summer without outdoor pools? Bonn's city administration now considers it possible to open the outdoor swimming pools under certain conditions ...

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Eine Schlagzeile über Carol Kloeppel, Franz Translation, Bernd Seibert, Carolin Krause, Lord Mayor, Birgit Schneider Bönninger, aber auch über Michael Faber und ebenfalls Managing Director of, Social Services Department, Swimming Pool Industry, German Swimming Association und über Lord Mayor Ashok Sridharan, aber auch Stadtteil Friesdorf, The Links, Rimske Toplice und über Bonn, entdeckt auf General-Anzeiger Bonn.