
The Buffalo NewsThe Buffalo News am 2020-05-26 15:28

Long-term future after coronavirus presents challenges, opportunities

Experts say long-term, societal changes are coming, no matter how much normalcy returns across the country when the virus outbreak is contained.

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Eine Schlagzeile zu Mario Cilento, Martin Ford, David Scott Peters, Vince Gennaro, Mike Durant, Brent Neiman, Andrew M. Cuomo, Clifford Goodman, aber auch zu Ian Morrison, aber auch Ford, Global Sport, CEO of the Food Industry Alliance of New York, Buffalo area, University of Chicago Booth School of Business, New York University School of Professional Studies, American Cancer Society, Buffalo News als auch zu Buffalo Bills und Silicon Valley, San Francisco, Americas, University of New Haven, Tallahassee, New Orleans, Chicago, Earth, aber auch zu España, erschienen auf The Buffalo News.