Artikel am 2021-01-21 19:01

‘We’re Having a Coup’: This Anti-Gay ‘Brigade’ Filmed Itself During the Capitol Riots

“Started down at the bottom of the hill of the Capitol, breached the barricades, walked up the hill,” says one member of the group, turning the camera ...

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Diese Nachricht nennt Philip Yenyo, Bill Barr, Joe Biden, Rachel Levine, Dave Daubenmire, Chad Estes und auch über Bobby Lee und darüber hinaus ’s Community Guidelines, Texas Highway Patrol Division, Native American, Great Serpent Mound, American Civil Liberties Union, Southern Poverty Law Center, American democracy on January 6, American Indian Movement of Ohio, U.S. Capitol Building und über Filmed Itself During the Capitol Riots und auch Texas, Washington, aber auch über Ohio, entdeckt auf