
Tarnkappe am 2023-03-09 22:06

The team behind FirST Love on Atari ST

The team behind FirST Love on Atari ST. An Amiga mag featuring Atari-Releases? Ghandy dares to celebrate 35 years of that other 68k computer..

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Ein Text zu Thomas Ilg, Eric Safar, Stan Mercury und auch zu Leonard Of Oxygene und Amiga AGA, EKO, Dead Hacker Society, SV 20th, Silly Venture is THE, RATI, Atari ST und darüber hinaus zu Atari ST. An Amiga, aber auch Square One, Sector 1, The Union, Falcon, Fully, Sverige, France, Paris und zu Olavarría, von Tarnkappe.