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"RT @openproject: #WeAreHiring We strive for high quality software and want to grow our QA team. This..." (Wieland)
"Sweet!" (Wieland)
"RT @iXmagazin: Projektmanagement: Teamplanung mit OpenProject 12.1.0" (Wieland)
"RT @openproject: ⚠️ Don’t get fooled by people talking about hybrid agile project..." (Wieland)
"RT @openproject: We have made OpenProject now also available in Ukrainian! 🇺🇦 We want to support..." (Wieland)
"RT @openproject: 🎯Turning goals into action: Find out how we use OpenProject as #OKR software and..." (Wieland)
"RT @ELiberaScio: @openproject Thanks for your work! We have greatly improved our project management..." (Wieland)
"RT @openproject: For our #remote #Christmas party, we met in @gather_town to get together as a team..." (Wieland)
"Our new notification center made it to big news. Well deserved as it crucially improves wirking with..." (Wieland)
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